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Kirk Dyer

For this project I plan on using both mad mapper and VDMX. I wanted to expand and refine my mad mapper project from last year with the theme of sports. More specifically this year I am choosing iconic sports moments which show that euphoric feeling athletes get when they’ve achieved their goal they’ve been working their whole life for. I want to take a word like “HOPE” and project it up on a wall. Inside the letters I will project famous moments in sport that are still talked about years later. Along with that I am going to take a famous sports song that is common through out a lot of sports and at the end of games when someone or a team has won. I want to try and bring those euphoric feelings to my audience and try and give them even slice of the pure happiness that these athletes are feeling in this moment. I want to try and get the videos to change on the beat of the song I am playing and have it interchange with the background and the letters in the foreground.

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